PLUS Positive is partnering with Tighter Grip &  HiHW for the Color Me Confident Youth Summit  to offer teenage boys and girls an opportunity to boost their confidence through daylong activities, session exercises, and positively entertaining performances.
This Summit provides preventive health education that will help to promote healthy lifestyle changes, obesity prevention, improve decision making skills, and reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
Youth Summit Details:
Date: 03/07/15
Time: 1:00pm – 6:00pm
Doors open for check in at 1pm
Opening Ceremony begins at 1:30
GA State University  Student Center
Speakers Auditorium
44 Courtland St. SE
Atlanta, GA 30303
Who: Youth aged 12-18
Cost: Free
Youth Workshops & Activities:
Free Lunch
Live Entertainment
Life Skills Informational Booths
Fitness & Nutrition
Real Talk Panel Discussion/Life Skill Training
Refreshments & Door Prizes
Caretakers & Parent Workshop:
This Child You Gave Me…
Didn’t Come with an Instruction Manual!
Time: 4-6pm
Purpose to help parents and guardians understand their roles in the child’s life and the unique opportunity they have been given to raise their children. Â It will incorporate a holistic approach that addresses mind body and spirit.
Register Today!Sponsor | Donate
Sponsoring youth helps ensure we can service the underprivileged youth all across the metro Atlanta area.  Whether the youth are in foster care or group homes, or their parents simply can’t afford to pay for the you to attend, your generosity will help us service the youth by the bus loads!
Each $10 donation helps a child build confidence, encourages their dreams, and helps them heal. This Summit provides preventive health education that will help to promote healthy lifestyle changes, obesity prevention, improve decision making skills, and reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
We are here to lift entire communities!  Our programs reach parents, caregivers and community members.  When you sponsor a youth, you’re not just helping a needy child – you’re helping them to reach their full potential for a brighter future.
If you are a business, non-profit organization, youth group, government entity, or educational institution, become an exhibitor at the Color Me Confident Youth Summit!  Exhibitors are not only provided with an effective way to market their businesses and services to this growing market, but also an opportunity to make a difference in the lives, hopes, and dreams of Metro Atlanta youth.
Request a Sponsorship/Exhibit package, Â or Donate today!
Sponsor/Exhibitor DonateEntertain
We are always looking for positively entertaining people! Â If you would like to showcase your talent as one of our featured entertainers, please submit your photo, bio, and a sample of your work to
Tighter Grip: African American Male Initiative mission is three fold:  To provide students with a tighter grip in academic studies, interpersonal relationships, career focus, and self identity via group discussions, team building and lectures. Secondly establish brotherhood and business connections across campus organizations, the student body, and the Atlanta Community.  Third to undergo a mentoring certification program to effectively engage, encourage, and challenge middle and high school students…Retention, Recruitment, and Enrichment.
Healing in His Wings (HiHW) is a nonprofit organization committed to helping women and their families live healthier lifestyle. It is a team of medical missionaries dedicated to the healing of the mind, body and spirit of adolescents and adults in the communities it serves.
Connect with Us
- Color Me Confident Youth Summit
- Tighter Grip
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