Saturday, September 27, 2014

Will you shift my friend?

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Ah, the question that still echos through GAA centres and bike sheds across the country.. …”will you shift my friend?” For anyone not from Ireland, “shift” is our word for kiss, and I don’t mean a peck on the cheek! You know the one that in your head, looks like this….
And in reality probably looks something like this…..!
Back in the day, you would march up to some young fella and actually ASK them if they would kiss your mate. My God, when you think of it! An emotion made up of equal amounts of mortification and excitement! Thankfully those days are gone… but at least shifting is still very much part of all of our lives. So whether you call it “shifting”, “snogging” or even “makin’ out” this bank holiday weekend, treat your lips to something fancy to make you even more “shiftable”!

Boots, €2.59
Cracked and dehydrated lips are not ideal for getting your shift on, so make sure to moisturise your puckers at least a few times a week. My absolute fave is Blistex Intensive Moisturiser. It has Shea butter so is perfect for daily moisture and for re hydrating any dryness which is essential if you use matte lipsticks which can dry your lips out a bit.

Marvellous Moxie from BareMinerals, â‚¬19
If you’re going “au natural” and just want the perfect shine on your lips, a light gloss is your only man. Bare minerals have a new limited edition gloss that is delish, Marvellous Moxie. It has a non sticky finish with a satin shine. Best of all it has a tingly minty taste that will leave your lips shift-tastic!

To launch the Moxie lipgloss, they even have a cute little kiss print game to see what your lip print says about you!

Revlon Just Bitten, 7.99 GBP
The age old debate, will he get lipstick all over his face?! Chances are, probably! However there are plenty of long lasting lippies on the market, which are marketed as kiss proof. Revlon Just Bitten Lip stain is one of the best for long lasting colour power that won’t rub off, plus it has a handy little balm with it so you won’t dry out. Mac Prolong wear lip cream is also worth a try.
Mac Prolong Wear Lip Cream, €22
Kiss proof or not, if you ask me, I say go for it, leave your mark ladies! K x

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