Friday, November 7, 2014

Fashion Blogger Spotlight: Ashley Rose of This is Ashley Rose

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Did you enjoy getting to know Becky of Mrs Bebe Blog last week? It’s amazing how many talented, gorgeous, and savvy plus size fashion bloggers are out there…from all over the world!!

Today, I’m so excited to bring you a popular blogger from Down Under…Australian blogger Ashley from This is Ashley Rose. I’ve been following Ashley Rose for a long time, and I’m always impressed by how well she seems to understand her own personal style. She tends to gravitate towards black, white, and cool shades of red and cobalt that really work with her fantastic dark hair and ivory complexion. Ashley is always sporting pieces from trendy retailers like Asos, but she manages to give everything she wears a sophisticated and classic edginess.

Ashley Rose is a plus size blogger YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!

Meet Ashley of This is Ashley Rose

Height: 5’8 1/2″ (174cm)
Age: 27
Location: Melbourne, Australia.

AshleyRose3What made you want to become a fashion blogger?

I used to run an online vintage clothing store that targeted smaller sizes. To market my store I started a blog, which I adored! However, I ran the blog from behind the lens with a model. When I decided to step down from running the store, I really had such a deep love for blogging that i just couldn’t give it up. Throughout all my procrastinating about what to blog about, my friends and family possibly finally got sick of me and stepped in, suggesting I blog about my own personal style. As they say, from there, the rest is history!


What are the challenges, if any, you face in being plus-size?

Fashion wise, it would be having the option to replicate runway style outfits. It can be such a hard battle to hunt down the options, from multiple stores, to create the perfect outfit! It isn’t easy and you really need to love shopping. Unlike for our [straight-size] counterparts, it’s pretty next to impossible to walk into a store and create a head-to-toe look!

What’s your favorite thing about being plus-size?

Being able to be involved with such a fabulous community. With the growth of the plus size industry in recent years, so too has the social side evolved (even in little Australia). The events, groups, and new friendships were an aspect that could only be have been dreamed about a few years ago!


What’s your favorite thing about being a blogger?

The main perk is the options that it brings to my wardrobe. I will admit that being able to preview collections and get pieces before they hit the shops, makes me feel spoiled for choice and so very grateful! This, alongside the friendships I have made
across the globe, I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else – aside from my fabulous day job that is, which blogging led me to! I am a very lucky lady!

Who/what are your favorite designers/brands?

ASOS, 17Sundays, Mynt1792, IGIGI, Target, Susans and Jacquie E. I’m also understandably obsessed with thrifting!


Describe your personal style.

Classic but with edge. I like to try and emulate aspects of the runway that suit me, but put my own twist on it!

Any bloggers currently on your radar?

I love all the favourite such as GabiFresh, Nicolette Mason and Girl With Curves. Recently, I have also been reading Beauticurve, And I Get Dressed, My Name is Fahi, Musings of a Curvy Lady, and LisaMosh. I also love a scroll through our Australian #aussiecurves hashtag on Instagram during my lunch break!


Anything else you want The Curvy Fashionista’s readers to know?

I am an only child, work in e-commerce, have the cutest fur babies (both a cat and dog), don’t own leggings, complete procrastinator and absolutely cannot keep my car clean…. but have a colour coordinated, style coordinated and immaculately clean wardrobe. #gofigure

Hope you enjoyed meeting Ashley Rose! Do you already read her blog? Any plus-size bloggers you want to see featured? Let us know below!

Are you a plus size blogger who wants to be featured? Please make sure that you contact us, and we’ll be in touch!

The post Fashion Blogger Spotlight: Ashley Rose of This is Ashley Rose appeared first on The Curvy Fashionista.

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