Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Drying Flowers For Potpourris Part 1

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red roses & pink roses

hang your flowers in a drying area

I subscribed to bloomthis for a month and my subscription has ended l ast Thursday *sob*. I don't think I will continue the subscription although I enjoyed getting surprised every Thursdays with fresh flowers but I have to save up for my Bali trip this year end!. Yes I'm going Bali for 10D9N with my boyfriend (smiles). It's a long distance relationship and while I don't know how this is going to work out, we are going to try :) and see where things goes.

Anyway yes so my flowers, they're really beautiful for a few days but then they start dying and I don't have the heart to throw them away. Instead I tied them up loosely and dry them at my balcony, hanging down from my cycling bike. It takes a week or more to let them dry up, you can see the colours changing. Too much sunlight will destroy the colours, so be careful not to over dry them.

I'll make nice potpourris out by Christmas to giveaway to my friends.  All I need is essential oils and another stage of "curing" them in the oils. 

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